Electron Microscopy (EM)
The electron microscopy suite at MRL boasts a wide range of techniques, from Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and dual-beam Focused Ion Beam (FIB), to Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM). A variety of sample preparation tools for electron microscopy is also available. For a quick overview of the equipment in this core, please see our comparative tables for our SEM, FIB and TEM systems.
Transmission and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM/STEM)
Focused Ion Beam (FIB) FIB/SEM DualBeam Systems
The DualBeam systems integrate a high-resolution scanning Focused Ion Beam microscope (FIB) and a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) in one instrument. It provides significant new capabilities for microscopic imaging, nano-fabrication and site-selective sample preparation.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Equipment in this Core
Equipment Name | Contact | Location | Techniques | |
Equipment Name | Contact | Location | Techniques | |
Beckman Optima LE-80K Ultracentrifuge |
SuperCon 0014 |
The Beckman Optima™ Ultracentrifuge is a preparative ultracentrifuge that can be used to quickly separate particles according to their densities. |
ThermoFisher Glacios Cryo-TEM |
0026 Supercon |
The ThermoFisher Glacios is a high-end, 200kV X-FEG cryogenic transmission electron microscope (CryoTEM) optimized for Single Particle Analysis (SPA), electron tomography, and micro-electron diffraction (microED). The Glacios is equipped with industry-leading Autoloader grid manipulation technology controlled by the ThermoFisher EPU software, allowing users to assess sample quality in a contamination-free environment. The microscope is also equipped with a Volta Phase Plate and Falcon4 Direct Electron Detector, making the Glacios both a stand-alone system for high-resolution SPA data acquisition, and a tool for pre-optimization of sample quality before transfer to a Krios CryoTEM system. |
ThermoFisher Vitrobot Mark IV |
0025 MRL |
The ThermoFisher Vitrobot (Vitrification Robot) Mark IV is a fully PC-controlled cryo-plunger for vitrification (= rapid cooling) of aqueous samples used later in cryo-electron microscopy |
Fischione 2550 Cryo Transfer Tomography Holder |
0011 Supercon |
A single-tilt holder for cryo transfer and tomography of thin-film frozen-hydrated/vitrified specimens. For transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) with a wider gap pole piece (an approx. 5 mm gap for tomographic studies) |
Leica Cryo Ultramicrotome UC6/FC6 |
0011 Supercon |
Room-temperature and cryo-sectioning of biological and industrial specimens |
Gatan Precision Etching Coating System (PECS) |
B59 MRL |
The Model 685.O precision etching coating system (PECS™) II is a table top broad beam argon milling tool for polishing as well as coating samples. |
FEI Themis Z Advanced Probe Aberration Corrected Analytical TEM/STEM |
B66 MRL |
The FEI Themis Z is and advanced analytical scanning/transmission electron microscope (STEM/TEM) from Thermo Fisher Scientific Company that operates between the electron energy of 60 to 300 keV with a Schottky electron emitter, an electron energy monochromator, and a 5th order probe spherical aberration corrector. |
ThermoFisher Scientific Talos F200X G2 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (S/TEM) |
B70C MRL |
The Talos F200X G2 is a 200 kV FEG Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (S/TEM) that combines outstanding quality in high-resolution STEM and TEM imaging with high throughput EDS signal detection and 3D chemical characterization with compositional mapping. It is designed for fast, precise and quantitative characterization of nano-materials. It accelerates nano-analysis of materials based on higher data quality, faster acquisition, and simplified and automated operation. The system’s Constant-Power™ X-TWIN lens delivers outstanding optical performance to help ensure an optimal balance of contrast and resolution. |
Polaron Carbon String Coater |
B59 MRL |
The Polaron Carbon String Coater use carbon rod and carbon string as the evaporation source respectively. |
FEI Vitrobot Mark III |
0025 MRL |
The FEI Vitrobot (Vitrification Robot) Mark III (Type FP 5350/61) is a fully PC-controlled cryo-plunger for vitrification (= rapid cooling) of aqueous samples used later in cryo-electron microscopy. |
Hysitron PI 95 In-Situ TEM Picoindenter |
0011 Supercon |
The Hysitron (now Bruker) PI 95 In-Situ TEM Picoindenter is for quantitative, direct-observation, nanomechanical testing inside TEM. |
Other Polishers |
B56 MRL |
Gatan 656 Disc Grinder System |
B56 MRL |
Gatan 656 Dimple Grinder |
B56 MRL |
It is fast and reliable mechanical method of pre-thinning TEM sample to near electron transparency to greatly reduce ion milling times and uneven thinning. Advantages includes: Large transparent areas; stronger specimen with a thick supporting rim to protect and strengthen the specimen after dimpling; accurate depth and thickness control. |
Well 3241 Precision Diamond Wire Saw |
B56 MRL |
The Well Precision Diamond Wire Saw is used for precise cutting of small samples. It uses a stainless steel wire with diamonds embedded into the surface of the wire as the “cutting tool”. The wire is wound onto a drum which mounts onto a precision reciprocating motor. The wire diameters range from 0.06mm (0.002 in.) to 0.70mm (.028 in.). |
Allied TechCut 4™ Precision Low Speed Saw |
B56 MRL |
The TechCut 4™ is a precision low speed saw excellent for cutting smaller, delicate samples. The pivoting cutting arm has adjustable weights to apply or counterbalance downward force to the sample during sectioning. Cutting fluid is drawn from the reservoir by the blade to cool the sample. With a 3" to 6" blade range, samples up to 2" thick can be sectioned. |
MRI 150 low speed diamond blade saw |
B56 MRL |
The MRI-150 low-speed diamond saw equips with a digital micrometer and digital speed display controller. It is a tool for cutting/dicing/slicing materials (metals, ceramic, etc) up to an inch thickness. Cutting fluid is drawn from the reservoir by the blade to cool the sample. |
Syntron vibratory polishers (two identical pieces) |
B56 MRL |
Vibratory polishing is an effective final polishing technique that is widely used with metals that are difficult to polish. The vibrations in both vertical and horizontal directions produced by electromagnetic forces induce the sample to move about its axis and around the cloth periphery. The vibration amplitude is adjusted to a level just adequate to produce smooth movement around the bowl. The gentle polishing greatly reduced the surface residual stress and strain. |
Allied MultiPrep System |
B56 MRL |
The MultiPrep™ System enables precise semiautomatic sample preparation of a wide range of materials for microscopic (optical, SEM, TEM, AFM, etc.) evaluation. It can be used for parallel polishing or angled polishing. |
Au-Pd Sputter Coater - Emscope SC 500 |
0021 Supercon |
The Au-Pd sputter coater is used for producing an even coating on the surface of the specimen. The coating will help inhibit charging, reduce thermal damage, and improve secondary electron emission which are beneficial for Scanning Electron Microscopy. |
Au-Pd Sputter Coater - Emitech K575 |
0018 Supercon |
The Au-Pd sputter coater is used for producing an even coating on the surface of the specimen. The coating will help inhibit charging, reduce thermal damage, and improve secondary electron emission which are beneficial for Scanning Electron Microscopy. |
Cressington Carbon Coater 108carbon/A |
B59 MRL |
The Cressington 108 carbon coaters use carbon rod as the evaporation source. It is generally used for coating SEM or TEM samples where metal coatings need to be avoided. It offers the choice of either manual or automatic evaporation. In manual mode the evaporation source can be operated in "pulse" or "continuous" modes. |
Fischione 1020 plasma cleaner |
B70 MRL |
The Fischione 1020 plasma cleaner can be used for gently removed organic contamination from both TEM and SEM samples and specimen holders by using Argon-oxygen high frequency plasma. The plasma cleaner has an automated timer control and accepts TEM specimen holders and SEM holders. |
Princeton Scientific WS-25 Precision Wire Saw |
B56 MRL |
The Princeton WS-25 Precision Wire Saw can perform cuts using a diamond dotted wire as well as with free abrasive method by using thin tungsten wire moistened with an oil or glycerin-suspended abrasive slurry. |
Tergeo-EM Plasma Cleaner |
B62 MRL |
The Tergeo-EM plasma cleaner can be used to remove hydrocarbon contaminations on TEM and SEM samples. |
Thermo Scios2 Dual-Beam SEM/FIB |
B58 MRL |
Fast and easy preparation of high-quality, site-specific, TEM and atom probe samples using the Sidewinder HT ion column and EasyLift™ system for precise milling and in-situ sample manipulation and lift-out. To achieve the high-quality results, final polishing with low-energy ions is required to minimize surface damage on the sample. The Sidewinder HT provides high-resolution imaging and milling at high voltages, but has also good low-voltage performance (to 500V), enabling the creation of high-quality TEM lamella. |
GATAN Cryo Precision Ion Polishing System (Cryo-PIPS) |
B59 MRL |
Gatan Cryo-PIPS has additional capabilities in addition to the features of the Gatan PIPS |
JEOL 2010 LAB6 TEM |
0017 Supercon |
The 2010LaB6 is a conventional TEM. It is optimized for BF/DF imaging, diffraction and high sample tilts. |
JEOL 2100 TEM |
0011 Supercon |
The JEOL 2100 is a conventional TEM with large pole piece gap. It is optimized for BF/DF imaging, diffraction and high sample tilts. Also capable of imaging ultrathin biological tissue sections. It operates at 200kV. The 2100 is equipped with a combined video rate/slow scan camera for real time imaging and final image recording. It has a low-dose mode. A high tilt is available with +/-70 degrees using a special tip for the single tilt holder. Cryo transfer stage, double tilt heating, and liquid N2 stages are available. |
Hitachi H-9500 Dynamic Environmental TEM |
B62A MRL |
The H-9500 is a high resolution 100-300 kV ETEM with a LaB6 electron gun equipped for study of dynamic material reactions down to the atomic scale. |
FEI Helios 600i Dual Beam SEM/FIB |
B58 MRL |
The Helios NanoLab 600i is an advanced SEM/FIB DualBeam™ workstation for ultra-high resolution imaging and focussed Ga+ ion beam milling for nano-prototyping, nano-machining, nano-analysis, and sample preparation for TEM and atom probe. |
JEOL JSM-6060LV Low-Vacuum SEM |
0021 Supercon |
The JSM-6060LV is a general purpose high-performance scanning electron microscope with excellent secondary electron imaging and backscattered electron Imaging resolution. |
Hitachi S-4800 High Resolution SEM |
0013 Supercon |
As of November 2021, the Hitachi S4800 now has powerful EDS capability with the installation of Oxford’s Ultim Max 100mm2 large area silicon drift detector. It allows video rate electron and chemical imaging in real time with live tracing features to remember where you already looked and what elements were located there. The Hitachi S-4800 SEM features: - High Resolution Low Voltage imaging - Beam deceleration (ultra-low landing voltages (100-500 V) for shallow surface topography) - Controlled signal mixing (combination of secondary electron and back scattered electron) - Pure BSE imaging at low voltages |
JEOL 7000F Analytical SEM |
0020 Supercon |
The JSM-7000F SEM offers very high resolution, a multi-purpose specimen chamber, a motorized automated specimen stage, one-action specimen exchange, and ideal analytical geometry with large probe current at small probe diameter to meet the needs for high performance characterization of nanostructures using techniques including EDS, WDS, EBSD, and CL. |
ThermoFisher Axia ChemiSEM |
0018 Supercon |
The Axia ChemiSEM is a new generation of scanning electron microscope, designed to provide the most efficient SEM-EDS user experience possible. Low-vacuum mode will provide several advantages when dealing with non-conductive samples; not only does it enable charge-free imaging, but it also allows an increase in the material contrast and the use of higher beam currents to perform chemical analyses. |
0021 Supercon |
The JEM-1400 uses a LaB6 filament electron gun with acceleration up to 120 kV and is also capable of lowering it down to 40 kV if required (in order to minimize sample radiation where necessary). The tool is capable of a point-to-point resolution down to 0.38 nm and lattice imaging down to 0.2 nm. |