Probe Stations

Probe Stations Equipment


Equipment Name Contact Location
Equipment Name Contact Location
4155c Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer (Agilent), used with Lake Shore and custom probe station
  • Gregory MacDougall gmacdoug
  • Lon Alan Westfall lonw
326 MRL

The Agilent 4155C is an electronic instrument for measuring and analyzing the characteristics of semiconductor devices. This instrument allows you to perform both measurement and analysis of measurement results. The 4155C has four highly accurate source monitor units (SMUs), two voltage source units (VSUs), and two voltage measurement units (VMUs). It can perform three types of measurements: sweep measurement, sampling measurement, and quasi-static C-V measurement.


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Bench Top Probe Station (Custom)
  • Gregory MacDougall gmacdoug
326 MRL

The Probe Station facilitates electrical measurements at room temperature and in ambient conditions. Electrical contact is made via probe tips (5 µm tungsten standard) which are attached to micropositioners with 80 turns per inch resolution. The electrical signals are taken through the Agilent 4155C Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer which has 4 SMU units with a voltage output range of -100 to 100 V and a current output range of  -100 to 100 mA. Users can perform temperature-dependent measurements of I-V and quasi-static C-V curves, and other high and low frequency tests.


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Temperature-Controlled Cryogenic Vacuum Probe Station
  • Gregory MacDougall gmacdoug
326 MRL

The LakeShore FWPX Cryogenic Probe Station is a great characterization tool for taking electrical measurements in a temperature range from 77 K  up to 475 K, and in a vacuum environment down to 10-5 Torr. The electrical signals are taken through the Agilent 4155C Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer which has 4 SMU units with a voltage output range of -100 to 100 V and a current output range of  -100 to 100 mA. Users can perform temperature-dependent measurements of I-V and quasi-static C-V curves, and other high and low frequency tests. An optical camera with 10 μm spatial resolution is available for sample alignment.

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