
Ellipsometry is an optical method used for the characterization of surfaces and thin film layers by measuring the change in polarization of light reflected or transmitted from them. Commonly used to determine layer thickness and optical constants, in some cases ellipsometry can also be applied to determine composition, crystallinity, roughness, and other material properties associated with changes in optical response.

Ellipsometry Equipment


Equipment Name Contact Location
Equipment Name Contact Location
Mueller matrix ellipsometer J.A. Woollam RC 2
  • Julio Antonio Nieri D Soares soares
  • Mohammad Amdad Ali mali85
148 MRL

State-of-the-art ellipsometer for measuring spectroscopic, generalized, and Muller matrix ellipsometry. The RC2 can be used to determine optical constants and thickness of multilayers or bulk materials, as well as reflectance and transmission as a function of angle of incidence, polarization, and wavelength, including highly anisotropic materials and microstructured samples.

Wavelength range: 193 nm to 1690 nm; Angle of incidence: 45° to 90°; Temperature: 5°C to 600°C

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J.A. Woollam VASE
  • Julio Antonio Nieri D Soares soares
  • Mohammad Amdad Ali mali85
148 MRL

For spectroscopic ellipsometry. - Measure optical constants and thickness of multilayers or bulk materials, as well as reflectance and transmission as a function of angle of incidence, polarization, and wavelength. - Wavelength range: 240 nm to 1700 nm; - Angle of incidence: 12° to 90°; Temperature: 10 K to 700 K

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Gaertner L116C
  • Julio Antonio Nieri D Soares soares
  • Mohammad Amdad Ali mali85
148 MRL

For single wavelength, multiple angle ellipsometry.

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