X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scattering
Several x-ray diffraction (XRD) systems, under Bragg-Brentano, parallel beam, high-resolution and microdiffraction configurations, are available for the analysis of crystalline structure, texture, stress, composition, etc. The lab includes instrumentation for single crystal orientation analysis via real-time Laue, in addition to reflectometry (XRR), SAXS, WAXS and energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence (XRF). Environmental stages for sample analysis under temperature and humidity controlled conditions are available for some of the XRD, XRR and SAXS/WAXS tools.
X-Ray Diffraction and Scattering
Equipment Name | Contact | Location | |
Equipment Name | Contact | Location | |
Bruker D8 Advance XRD/XRR System with High-Temperature Sample Stage |
148 MRL |
The D8 diffractometer employs a multiple configurations which can be easily selected from the instrument control software between Bragg-Brentano focusing configuration, parallel beam configuration and high-resolution configuration for the most common x-ray diffraction methods and reflectometry. |
Shimadzu EDX-7000 Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer |
148 MRL |
Fast measurements in a small, table-top foot print, automated analysis of up to 12 samples in a single run. Radiation: non-monochromatic or filtered Rh x-ray source |
Laue System with Multiwire 2D Detector |
148 MRL |
Back-scattering Laue with data acquisition using a fast 2D detector; sample stage with multi-axis rotations and full translation capabilities controlled by multi-function joystick allowing for real time sample movement/rotation with simultaneous data visualization; optical camera setup to allow for precision alignment of sub-mm crystals or exploration of the position dependence of diffraction patterns. Laue pattern processing and indexing using NorthStar Real-Time Orientation software. |
Small Angle X-Ray Scattering System with Pilatus 300 Detector |
148 MRL |
High-speed SAXS, WAXS, GI-SAXS, GI-WAXS data collection using a three-module Pilatus 300 detector with optional environmental controls. |
PANalytical Phillips X’pert MRD system #2 |
148 MRL |
The PANalytical MRD system #2 features: theta/2theta vertical four-circle system with phi, psi rotations and x,y,z sample translation, proportional detector and high-speed PIXcel line detector (pixel size 55 microns). Radiation / wavelength: Cu K-alpha, 0.15418 nm |
Siemens/Bruker D-5000 XRD System |
148 MRL |
The Siemens/Bruker D-5000 features: theta/theta vertical goniometer system with optional spinner (phi) rotation (Bragg Brentano configuration). Radiation /wavelength: Cu K-alpha, 0.15418 nm Main optics: soller slits, divergence slit, scatter slit, receiving slit, detector slit, curved graphite monochromator, scintillation detector |
Wavelength-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Rigaku Supermini 200) |
148 MRL |
Fast elemental analysis using x-ray fluorescence with enhanced energy resolution (20-30 eV) using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy. |