

Room 190 MRL (first floor between MRL & Loomis)
8 a.m. to 3:55 p.m., Monday through Friday
No deliveries accepted after 3:00 p.m.

Shipping/packing form

If you wish to send a package, please complete the required  shipping/packing form and send form to 

MRL Storeroom is not allowed to ship hazardous materials. Please visit the Grainger College of Engineering Office of Safety for more information on shipping hazardous materials.

  • Note: If you are shipping chemicals or research samples you must provide MRL with a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the materials being sent so it can be confirmed that the chemicals/samples are not considered hazardous for shipping purposes. If there is a question about the safety of the shipment, you will be directed to the Office of Safety for further instruction.
  • Staff will process your shipping request and email a completed shipping label and other required documents back to you. 
  • Bring your completed form(s) with your shipment to the Storeroom for pick-up by UPS.



MRL storeroom