X-Ray Analysis
MRL’s X-Ray analysis suite provides instrumentation for analysis of crystalline structure, orientation and texture, stress, chemical composition, grain and particle size distribution applied to various materials system in powder, thin film on substrate, bulk and liquid form. Dedicated instruments are available for powder, thin film, glancing incidence, texture, stress, reciprocal lattice mapping, fluorescence and reflectometry analysis. The lab also includes a dedicated SAXS/WAXS system for small and wide angles x-ray scattering. Materials databases and software packages are available for search/match, structure refinement, rocking curve and reflectometry simulation and fitting.
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scattering
X-Ray Data Analysis Software Packages
Equipment in this Core
Equipment Name | Contact | Location | Techniques | |
Equipment Name | Contact | Location | Techniques | |
Bruker D8 Advance XRD/XRR System with High-Temperature Sample Stage |
148 MRL |
The D8 diffractometer employs a multiple configurations which can be easily selected from the instrument control software between Bragg-Brentano focusing configuration, parallel beam configuration and high-resolution configuration for the most common x-ray diffraction methods and reflectometry. |
Shimadzu EDX-7000 Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer |
148 MRL |
Fast measurements in a small, table-top foot print, automated analysis of up to 12 samples in a single run. Radiation: non-monochromatic or filtered Rh x-ray source |
Laue System with Multiwire 2D Detector |
148 MRL |
Back-scattering Laue with data acquisition using a fast 2D detector; sample stage with multi-axis rotations and full translation capabilities controlled by multi-function joystick allowing for real time sample movement/rotation with simultaneous data visualization; optical camera setup to allow for precision alignment of sub-mm crystals or exploration of the position dependence of diffraction patterns. Laue pattern processing and indexing using NorthStar Real-Time Orientation software. |
Small Angle X-Ray Scattering System with Pilatus 300 Detector |
148 MRL |
High-speed SAXS, WAXS, GI-SAXS, GI-WAXS data collection using a three-module Pilatus 300 detector with optional environmental controls. |
PANalytical Phillips X’pert MRD system #2 |
148 MRL |
The PANalytical MRD system #2 features: theta/2theta vertical four-circle system with phi, psi rotations and x,y,z sample translation, proportional detector and high-speed PIXcel line detector (pixel size 55 microns). Radiation / wavelength: Cu K-alpha, 0.15418 nm |
Siemens/Bruker D-5000 XRD System |
148 MRL |
The Siemens/Bruker D-5000 features: theta/theta vertical goniometer system with optional spinner (phi) rotation (Bragg Brentano configuration). Radiation /wavelength: Cu K-alpha, 0.15418 nm Main optics: soller slits, divergence slit, scatter slit, receiving slit, detector slit, curved graphite monochromator, scintillation detector |
Wavelength-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Rigaku Supermini 200) |
148 MRL |
Fast elemental analysis using x-ray fluorescence with enhanced energy resolution (20-30 eV) using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy. |