Focused Ion Beam (FIB) FIB/SEM DualBeam Systems

Dual-beam Focused Ion Beam (FIB) is a combination of a high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) and a scanning metal ion beam microscope. It provides significant new capabilities for microscopic imaging, nanofabrication, and site-selective TEM sample preparation. 

FIB Equipment


Equipment Name Contact Location
Equipment Name Contact Location
Thermo Scios2 Dual-Beam SEM/FIB
  • Honghui Zhou hhzhou
  • Changqiang Chen cqchen

Fast and easy preparation of high-quality, site-specific, TEM and atom probe samples using the Sidewinder HT ion column and EasyLift™ system for precise milling and in-situ sample manipulation and lift-out. To achieve the high-quality results, final polishing with low-energy ions is required to minimize surface damage on the sample. The Sidewinder HT provides high-resolution imaging and milling at high voltages, but has also good low-voltage performance (to 500V), enabling the creation of high-quality TEM lamella.

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FEI Helios 600i Dual Beam SEM/FIB
  • Honghui Zhou hhzhou
  • Changqiang Chen cqchen

The Helios NanoLab 600i is an advanced SEM/FIB DualBeam™ workstation for ultra-high resolution imaging and focussed Ga+ ion beam milling for nano-prototyping, nano-machining, nano-analysis, and sample preparation for TEM and atom probe.

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