Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) instruments are available for scanning in air, or other gases or liquids, using a wide variety of imaging and measurement modes, plus nanomanipulation. All of our AFMs have sub-angstrom vertical resolution, and lateral resolution is generally limited by the tip geometry, not the instrument.

AFM Instruments

  • Asylum Research Cypher S (includes STM)
  • Asylum Research MFP-3D-SA (x2)
  • Asylum Research MFP-3D-Bio
  • AFM + optical characterization techniques: Horiba XploRA-nano TERS/TEPL, Molecular Vista PiFM-Raman, Neaspec NanoIR/NIM sSNOM

NOTE: The most commonly used basic AFM tips and sample supplies are available for purchase in the MRL storeroom.  Specialized tips or larger quantities of tips can be ordered online.

Equipment Name Contact Location
Equipment Name Contact Location
Neaspec Nano IR-NIM AFM, SSNOM
  • Julio Antonio Nieri D Soares soares
  • Kathy Walsh kawalsh
0022 Supercon

Chemical information from FTIR near-field reflection imaging and topographic characterization with 20 nm spatial resolution

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Horiba XploRA-nano TERS/TEPL
  • Julio Antonio Nieri D Soares soares
  • Kathy Walsh kawalsh
0022 Supercon

This equipment was funded through the Illinois MRSEC, NSF Award Number DMR-2309037.

The XploRA PLUS Raman Microscope head-based tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) and tip enhanced photoluminescence (TEPL) from Horiba, Inc. is a fully integrated TERS/TEPL system based on SmartSPM state of the art scanning probe microscope (SPM) and XploRA Raman micro-spectrometer.

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Molecular Vista PiFM-Raman
  • Kathy Walsh kawalsh
  • Julio Antonio Nieri D Soares soares
0022 Supercon

The Vista One PiFM-Raman microscope from Molecular Vista enables nano-IR measurements with very high resolution (~10nm lateral resolution for mapping and spectroscopy) in the wavenumber range 1908 - 752 cm-1.

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Asylum Research Cypher STM
  • Kathy Walsh kawalsh

In Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), an electrically-biased tip is scanned very close to a surface (about an atomic diameter away). The current flow between the tip and the sample (due to quantum tunneling) strongly depends on the tip-surface gap; this relationship can be used to generate a surface topography map. Atomic-scale topographic resolution is achievable. All samples for STM must be at least somewhat electrically conductive.

STM mode on the Cypher serves in part as a testbed for determining whether STM is a viable experimental technique for samples before investing effort into UHV STM measurements. Additionally, the ambient conditions on this instrument permit STM measurements of samples which may not respond well to vacuum environments. This STM can do imaging and I-V curves but is not currently able to perform dI/dV measurements.

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Asylum Research Cypher
  • Kathy Walsh kawalsh

The Cypher is a state-of-the-art AFM from Asylum Research, featuring exceptionally low noise and fast scanning capabilities in addition to advanced scanning modes in air or liquid environments. Maximum lateral scan size on this instrument is 30 µm x 30 µm, and maximum vertical range is 5 µm.

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Asylum Research MFP-3D AFM
  • Kathy Walsh kawalsh

These two AFMs from Asylum Research feature closed-loop, low noise, high precision scanners, with Q-controlled AC modes (with phase imaging), piezo response imaging, contact mode with lateral force, and detailed force-distance measurements. These systems allow scanning in air or liquid environments, and have extensive nanomanipulation and nanolithography capabilities. Maximum lateral scan size on these instruments is 90 µm x 90 µm, and maximum vertical range is 15 µm.

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Asylum Research MFP-3D-Bio AFM
  • Kathy Walsh kawalsh
0026 Supercon

This AFM is on an inverted optical brightfield/fluorescence microscope and is in a Biosafety Level 2 lab.

The MFP-3D-Bio from Asylum Research (with optional brightfield/fluorescence microscopy integration) features a closed-loop, low noise, high precision scanner for use with samples in air or fluid. Maximum lateral scan size is 90 µm x 90 µm, and maximum vertical range is 28 µm (closed loop, or 40 µm open loop).

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