Wavelength-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Rigaku Supermini 200)

The Rigaku Supermini 200 (WD-XRF) is a wavelength-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometer capable of analyzing the Flourine – Uranium elemental range using a Palladium (Pd) X-ray source running at 50KV and 4mA (200 W). The energy resolution of 20-30 eV provides superior sensitivity and spectral resolution allowing for more accurate deconvolution and elemental quantification especially when compared to energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence systems. This energy resolution is achieved using 3 analyzer crystals: LiF (200) for the Ti-U range, PET crystal for Al-Ti, and RX-26 multilayer crystal for F, Na, and Mg. Capable of running solids, liquids, and gases with a maximum sample size of 44m diameter and 33mm height. Automated measurements are facilitated by an easy to use bidirectional 12-position automatic sample changer with integrated sample spinner to improve sampling statistics.

Key features:

  • Elemental quantification for F - U range
  • Non-monochromatic Pd X-ray source at 50KV and 4mA (200W)
  • Compatible with solids, liquids, and gases (max size of 44m diameter and 30mm height)
  • High energy resolution (20-30eV) from 3 analyzer crystals; LiF, PET, and RX-26.
  • Measurements can be done in He or Vacuum.
  • Multipurpose sample holder with 30 mm mask (measuring area on sample surface) for a maximum sample size of 44 mm in outer diameter and 33 mm thickness.
  • Zr automatic primary beam filter is included to remove the Pd-K spectral lines resulting from the Pd target x-ray tube enabling the analysis of Cd, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, In.
  • ZSX control, measurement, and analysis software, including empirical regression analysis (5 matrix correction models), fundamental parameter analysis (bulk and thin films), automated PHA adjustment. Also, SQX software for semi-quantitative analysis with no standards required, in addition to SQX Matching Library and SQX Scatter FP Software.


Research Scientist