Facilities News and Upcoming Equipment




Kurt J. Lesker 150LX Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition System

The Kurt J. Lesker Company (KJLC) ALD150LX is an Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) system designed specifically for advanced research and development (R&D) applications. With an emphasis on enabling and supporting innovative, cutting-edge technology at the R&D level, the ALD150LX serves not only as a stand-alone platform, but provides connectivity with additional process and analysis modules in a cluster tool configuration.  ALD150LX cluster tool connectivity eliminates unwanted atmosphere exposure between critical process and analysis steps to protect sensitive surfaces, layers and their interfaces. This connectivity includes the integration of additional ALD and analysis modules, as well as other KJLC thin film deposition technologies for multi-technique process and analysis capability and support that are second-to-none in the industry. Combined quality, flexibility and performance, as well as multi-technique process and analysis capability make the ALD150LX an innovative, best-in-class design.


  • Process wafers up to 6-inch in diameter.
  • Controllable independent substrate heater stage (up to 600oC)
  • Unique Perpendicular Flow Reactor
  • Thermal or plasma-enhanced ALD configuration
  • In-situ ellipsometry for real time thin film thickness monitoring
  • Multiple inlets for precursor delivery (up to 12 precursor sources)
  • Unique heater design on source modules 
  • control software

Typical Processes:

Al2O3, TiO2, SiO2, Ta2O5, HfO2, ZrO2, HZO, ZnO, AZO, AIN, TiN, GaN Pt and Ru (many others available, please inquire).

Expected early spring 2025. Micro/NanoFab Core, MRL.