SAMCO RIE-10NR Reactive Ion Etch System

SAMCO RIE-10NR Reactive Ion Etch System

The SAMCO RIE-10NR is a cutting-edge, fully automated Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) system specifically designed to meet the rigorous process demands of fluorine chemistry for research and production purposes. With precision, it executes etching operations, ensuring minimal sidewall deterioration and exceptional selectivity between various materials. Its capabilities extend to processing wafers up to 8 inches in diameter, showcasing its versatility in handling diverse requirements.

Key Features:

  • Highly selective anisotropic etching capabilities
  • Fully automatic “one-button” operation with full manual override
  • Easy-to-use computerized touch panel for parameter control, recipe entry, and storage
  • Process wafers up to 8-inch in diameter
  • Parallel plate, cathode coupling configuration for enhanced efficiency
  • A 300W 13.56 MHz RF power supply with automatic matching for optimal performance
  • A symmetrical evacuation design, paired with a turbo molecular pump, establishes a streamlined vacuum flow, optimizing efficiency. Additionally, a closely coupled gas delivery box minimizes residence time by eliminating the delays associated with lengthy gas delivery pipes.
  • A turbo molecular pump (200 liters/sec) backed by a robust dry rotary pump (500 liters/min)
  • An optimized shower head to deliver process gas uniformly.
  • The result is a range of plasma etch systems with a large process window, excellent process control, and uniformity.
  • Proposed process Gases: CF4, SF6, O2, Ar

Schematic diagram of the RIE 10NR system:

Applications:  Highly controllable anisotropic etching of a variety of materials, including semiconductors (e.g., crystalline, polycrystalline oxides, 2D Transition-metal dichalcogenides, etc.), dielectrics (e.g., oxides, nitrides, etc.) and metals (e.g., Poly-Si, conducting oxides, Au, TiN, including refractory metals, Mo, W, etc.) as well as carbon-based materials (e.g., graphene, MXenes, etc.).

Comparison of RIE tools available in the MRL shared research facilities:

RIE system

Max. RF power (W)

Allowable pressure range (mTorr)

Available process gases

Allowable Materials (*)

Sample Size (**)

Samco RIE-10NR


10 - 750

CF4, SF6, O2, Ar

Substrates (e.g., Si, Glass, etc.), 2D Transition-metal dichalcogenides, dielectrics (metal oxides, nitrides, etc.)

Diameter < 8 inches, total thickness < 40 mm

March CS-1701 RIE


50 - 350

CF4, O2

Photoresist, polymer, graphene.

Diameter < 4 inches, total thickness < 10 mm

Plasma-therm 790 MF


10 - 100

CF4, SF6, CHF3, O2

Silicon, silicon dioxide, silicon nitride

Diameter < 8 inches, total thickness < 10 mm

Nano-master NPC 3000


70 - 200

CF4, SF6, O2, Ar

Photoresist, polymer, graphene, silicon

Diameter < 8 inches, total thickness < 10 mm

(*) Discuss with staff before actually using any of those materials and if other materials are needed in the process. This is required for new and existing experienced users.

(**) Etching rate and quality will depend on several factors (type of material, sample thickness, pattern details, masking parameters, etc.). A discussion with staff is important in order to decide tool assignment and feasibility.



Research Scientist
Senior Research Engineer