Westbond 4KE wire bonder
Wire bonding is a method of connecting metallic wires to electronic devices. The wire bonds are performed using ultrasonic transducers that convert a high frequency electronic signal to mechanical energy in the ultrasonic range (63kHz).
Currently the instrument is configured to offer the 45º wedge bonding mode. The instrument bonds aluminum wire with 1 mil in diameter. Bonds are by the wedge-wedge technique using ultrasonic energy to attach aluminum wire at room temperature. Wire is clamped and threaded diagonally under the bonding wedge, allowing independent feeding action but requiring front-to-back bonding direction. Bonding results are best using the same metals for the wire and bond area. Different metals can be wire bonded. Gold and aluminum bonded together is very common. Copper is usually not recommended as bond area material due to the difficulties of bonding aluminum wire on copper surfaces. For special situations, the system can also be configured for 90o wedge bonding or ball bonding.
- 45º Wedge bonder bonding 1 mil Aluminum wire.
- High resolution cameras to view bonds and position bonds.
- Half-auto and full-auto working modes.
- Working stage with heating capability.
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