Wedge Bonder (25 um Aluminum wire, K&S 4523A)

Wire bonding is a method of connecting metallic wires to electronic devices.  Within electronic devices, wires carry the electrical signals and electrical currents that make the devices work. Common metals are used for wire bonding, such as gold, aluminum and copper.  Each of these metals can be forced to bond together using a wire bonding machine.  Bonding results are best using the same metals for the wire and bond area.  Different metals can be wire bonded.  Gold and aluminum bonded together is very common.  Copper is usually bonded to copper and not to gold or aluminum. When two different metals are connected with wire bonding, the intermetallic region develops a type of alloy that forms when the bond is made.  Wire bonds of the type formed by two different metals will provide the shortest useful life. Wire bonds of a single metal (wire and bond area made of the same metal) will provide the longest useful life.

This wedge bonder is a manual bonding instrument. 25 micron (0.001”) diameter aluminum wire is used in this wedge bonder. Aluminum is the most common material to use with ultrasonic wedge bonding. Aluminum wire may be connected to aluminum bond areas of a device as well as to gold areas. This is a low-cost attachment method and is normally used for low-cost products. 


Senior Research Engineer
Research Associate Professor, MRL