Matthew Gilbert

Matthew Gilbert
Matthew Gilbert
Associate Professor, ECE
(217) 333-3064
2256 Micro & Nanotechnology Lab

For More Information

Research Statement

My group is concerned with primarily with theoretically elucidating new phenomena in emergent condensed matter systems with the goal of developing new types of nanoelectronic devices and functionality. As a corollary, we also develop new computational techniques to study and classify these new systems. Here I outline the current interests of my research group

- Nanoelectronics and Low Dimensional Systems

- Strongly Correlated Systems

- Topological Phenomena

- Quantum Computing

Research Interests

  • Topological Insulators and Phenomena
  • Quantum Computing
  • Strongly Correlated Systems
  • Quantum Transport Theory

Selected Articles in Journals

Recent Courses Taught

  • ECE 110 - Introduction to Electronics
  • ECE 340 - Semiconductor Electronics