Elizabeth Goldschmidt

Elizabeth Goldschmidt
Elizabeth Goldschmidt she/her/hers
Assistant Professor, Physics
(217) 333-0071
311 Loomis Laboratory
(217) 333-0071
311 Loomis Laboratory

For More Information


Professor Goldschmidt is an experimentalist in quantum optics and quantum information. She received her bachelors in physics from Harvard University in 2006 and her doctorate in physics from the University of Maryland as a Joint Quantum Institute graduate fellow in 2014. Her graduate research was on single photon technologies and optical quantum memory. She was a National Research council postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology from 2014-2016 where she studied ultracold and Rydberg excited atoms in optical lattices for quantum simulation. She was a staff scientist at the US Army Research Laboratory studying quantum optics in solid-state systems before joining the faculty at the University of Illinois in the fall of 2019.

Research Statement

Professor Goldschmidt's lab studies quantum light-matter interactions with atom-like emitters in solids for applications in quantum information technologies. This includes quantum memory and single photon storage in solid-state rare-earth atom ensembles. In order to take advantage of all the properties of rare-earth materials that make them appealing for such tasks, the research group investigates new materials with higher density of rare-earth atoms to push toward the possibility of long-lived, efficient, solid-state quantum memory. Another project involves coupling rare-earth atoms to resonator structures in order to couple to individual atoms. Such a system will be used as a single photon source and for spin-photon entanglement. Finally, additional projects will focus on generating, characterizing, and using non-classical light for quantum information tasks.

Recent Courses Taught

  • PHYS 101 - College Physics: Mech & Heat
  • PHYS 211 - University Physics: Mechanics
  • PHYS 212 - University Physics: Elec & Mag
  • PHYS 514 - Modern Atomic Physics